Being a little girl born in 1981, it was inevitable that I played with certain popular 1980’s toys such as Rainbow Brite, My Pet Monster and of course, my all time favorite…My Little Pony.
My sister and I were obsessed with them, collecting hundreds (yes, literally) spending hours on end lining them up for Pony weddings, pony dance parties, and of course pony spa services.
So, you can imagine my excitement when, as an adult, I stumbled upon these “Do it yourself” my little Ponies. Amazing! They are basic, all white my little ponies that you can create to look like whatever type of Pony your 80’s loving heart desires!
You can use acrylic paints to decorate them, or use other art mediums like permanent markers, airbrushing liquids and fabric dyes (great for coloring the stark white hair).
I went crazy and ordered myself several blank ponies to decorate. I figured they would be fun to make not only for myself, but for my daughter as she grows older and discovers a love for MLP, and also for my four year old niece who is obsessed with MLP already.
I haven’t yet had a chance to decorate any of my own, although I have given some blank ones away as gifts. When I can find a bit more time to myself I plan on making a really cute snail themed one to match my daughters custom snail and cloud themed nursery. I will be sure to share the final product!
I would love for you all to scoop up some DIY Ponies of your own and then share your creations with me! They run a fair price at the link above on Amazon and would make a great project to do with your kids! (or for the young at heart)   ;)
While we are on the My Little Pony subject…
check out these amazing collectible art Ponies! ( Orange and Black, Aqua Underwater, Pony Power, Super Hero, Blue and Black, Junko , ) I have been slowly accumulating a collection that I display in Penelope’s nursery.