Category Archives: Paper crafts

Valentine’s Day card making tutorial

It’s that time of year! The stores are filled with pink and red displays, the candy is flowing and sweethearts everywhere are searching high and low for a gift and a greeting card that says just the right thing. However, … Continue reading

Posted in Crafts, Paper crafts | Leave a comment

Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet Penelope!

March 16th was Penelope’s 2nd birthday! I can’t believe my little buggy has grown up so fast! She is so much fun these days.  Lately she has realized that she was on the cusp of the big #2 and has … Continue reading

Posted in Activities, Crafts, Everything Else, Paper crafts, Parenting, Sewing | 3 Comments

Valentines Day….the baby way!

Okay, so I know I said that my next post was going to show the Christmas outfit I made for Penelope…however I wanted to hurry and write one about Valentines Day since it is quickly approaching and I want to … Continue reading

Posted in Activities, Crafts, Paper crafts, Parenting, Saving Money | 5 Comments