Zombies and other Christmas Goodies!

Okay…so it’s the New Year! I have not written a post in SO long, I feel absolutely guilty.  However, I was such a busy bee for the holidays making gifts, doing Holiday things with the family and making Penelope’s Christmas outfit. Then we left town for Montana for Christmas, came home before New Years and have spent the beginning of the New Year with a flu virus…it’s always something huh?! Life is just now starting to settle down again.

I thought I would start off the new year by sharing what was keeping me away from my laptop through the month of December 2010.  I had several projects going on and I plan on dedicating a new post to each of those.

You read correct… a Christmas Zombie!

Now that I am a SAHM we have to be very careful with our budget. The trip to Montana made things extra tight this year, so we decided to do a homemade holiday.  My brother in law, Ben is in to Zombies and I thought I would try my hand at making a  Zombie plushie.  I started by drawing a picture of the final product I had in mind. I wanted to make it possible for his limbs to be “ripped off”.  I ended up adding red “blood” velcro to his limbs and neck so that you could rip each part away from the other exposing the bloody mess.  I added an exposed brain, blank stare and a cute little pin I found on Etsy.

NEXT POST: It’s a scarf!…..It’s a hood!….It’s gloves!……

This entry was posted in Everything Else.

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