Last weekend, on March 16th, my sweet little girl turned 3 years old! I can barely believe that it has been three years already! In some ways she seems like such a little baby still and in some ways I think to myself “who IS this old kid?!”Â
Every year in preparation for her birthday, she gets to choose a theme for her party. She is currently obsessed with horses of all kinds, but especially My Little Pony! I was thrilled to put together a MLP party as I am a product of the 1980s and I was absolutely obsessed with them as a kid! Once I found out the theme I went ahead and got started on the preparation. I knew there would be lots of pink and purple (Penelope’s favorite colors, of course) so we headed to Party City and stocked up on solid pink and purple decorations (balloons, tablecloths, streamers, napkins, plates and forks). Sure, they offer MLP stuff, but I like to go ahead and figure out my own decor. It’s cheaper that way…and well…I always love an opportunity to craft!
Pre-Birthday Celebrations
The last two years I have thrown a very large party that included family as well as friends….but that was getting to be a little daunting this year, being that she now has her own little group of friends. Because of this I decided to have dinner out with family and then focus the party as only a kids event. It went well because this way family got to visit with her rather then her ignoring them and running around with her buddies.
We all went out to dinner at Red Robin and she, of course, was spoiled as a 3 year old girl should be ;)

Penelope opening gifts with her papa
The Big Day!
After a good month of preparation (decor planning, outfit making, cake planning, etc) it was the day of the party! Of course I’d love to share the making of all the special pieces of her party, but I thought that would make more sense in some separate posts, so for now I’ll just skim over that and highlight the actual event.
We started the morning off with present opening (she just couldn’t wait!) and then followed it up with a tasty breakfast of “PB and J waffles.”
Penelope got dressed up in the special birthday outfit I made for her, grabbed her special homemade Princess Celestia toy and we headed off to Milagro’s Boutique to decorate the room for her party. Speaking of Milagro’s, they have a fantastic and very affordable party room to rent out if you are looking for an option in Portland Oregon.
We ponied up the entire room with the decorations we bought as well as some that we printed out and made using a wonderful set off of Etsy from a store called Digital Parties….and then guests started to arrive! We played a couple of games including: Pin the tail on Rainbow Dash, and fish Twilight Sparkle and Spikes Castle for treasures. We then settled down for cake and ice cream and ended by opening gifts. It was a super magical Pony day and I’m so happy that my baby girl had a good time! I’m going to leave you now with a huge load of pictures form that day! Tune in later this week for details on the My Little Pony treat bags I made up, a super cool double tiered pony fondant cake, a Princess Celestia stuffed toy and a killer unicorn outfit meant for a birthday princess! Until then…happy picture viewing!

Princess Celestia fondant cake, snacks and treat bags

The party table

Pony decorations everywhere!

The gift area

Waiting with her friends for all the guests to arrive

Pin the Tail on Rainbow Dash!

Penelope’s cousin, Harlee, fishing for treasure

Penelope and her dada checking out her treasure

Cake time!

Blowing out all 3 candles

Pink and purple cake innards!

I made unicorn headbands in place of party hats

The birthday girl with her new toy/cake topper

Present time! (this was a fun gift lol)

How adorable is this picture?!?

dada and baby unicorn

Happy birthday girl

Penelope and her little buddy, Genevieve
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