Tank top remix!

Did you see it?! Did ya??!! The sun is shining and tank tops are on sale at Target for only $6!!!  I’ve lost a good 35 pounds since last summer so it is safe to say I have just about zero spring and summer clothes to wear. When I saw that Target was having this sale, I went and picked up a few for my wardrobe.  Sure, they are rather plain…but I had some plans for them once I got them home! I simply added a white knit bow that I quickly constructed out of scraps and sewed on a couple of sweet little buttons and PRESTO! I made a $6 tank look like a $20 tank!  I also picked up a green one and I think I may do the same with black or yellow details.





There’s no reason to look like everyone else out there when you can make it all your own! Own your style ladies!

This entry was posted in Crafts, Everything Else, Saving Money, Sewing.

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