Hello Everyone! This page is to let you know the steps to take to get a commission done by me from beginning to end. Below you will find these steps as well as my services and prices. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or would like to get a doll customized!
In addition to creating commissioned dolls, I also work on fully customized themed art dolls which I sell on ebay. If you are interested in keeping up on the happenings of those dolls and other new customizing information then please look HERE
The Service Menu
Hair Attitudes Color Chart: HERE
NOTE: starting October 1st, 2010 return shipping will be a flat cost of $6 for just face plates/eye mechs and $10 for entire dolls in the US and $30 international (faceplates only price depends upon location). This will include a tracking number. Insurance must be requested and an extra charge will apply.
What To Expect When Getting a Service Done
- First, contact me about what you would like done. I will need to know the doll you would like to use, as well as the services you would like rendered (see menu above) I ask that you please contact me for this through this blog site using the comments feature below.
- Once you have made contact with me we can set you up on my waiting list. You can view my availability HERE
- Once you have secured a position on the waiting list I ask that you please send your doll no earlier than two weeks prior to the month you are being serviced in and no later than the end of the first week of the month you are being serviced in. (so if you are on Decembers waiting list you can send her as early as the third week of November or no later than the first week of December)Â If for some reason your girl comes later than the first week of your serviced month, she may be moved to the next available slot (most likely in a different month) which could differ based upon availability.
- When you are ready to send your girl please let me know when she has been sent so I can keep an eye out for her. In her package on a piece of paper include your name and shipping address, your email address, the doll you are sending, the work you want done on her (services as well as placement of colors and colors used, etc) and any other specifics that you may want me to know. If we have been corresponding using a username (from flickr, plastic paradise, etc. then please include those usernames as well) All of the above helps me keep things organized and running smoothly and efficiently so that you may get your doll back soon!
- Once your doll arrives to me I will let you know. She will have her own page made here at my blog which will be private and password protected so that through the process you can follow her progress. I take photos of the condition she arrives in for my records. I then will take photos after each step of the way, posting them on her customizing page so that you may look and approve each step before I move on to the next.
- When your doll is finished I will pack her up safely so that she is ready to make a safe trip back home.
- Once she is packed up and a grand total is obtained (your grand total is made up of your service costs plus shipping) I will post it on your dolls customizing page. Once you have successfully made payment (PAYPAL payments only please) I will ship her off to you and include her confirmation number on your custom page.
- I instill the above steps so that I can get dolls done in a timely manner and make sure that the experience is a good one for all involved. You will be able to check her progress on her designated page (listed on my blog under your name) through a direct link that I give you. You will be able to communicate with me through this page about questions, desires, concerns, etc. the entire time. =)
One final note about airbrushing: Airbrushing is very different from using pastels to create a Blythe face-up. It can be a wonderful way to get special effects and really ornate designs, however please do note that it is less forgiving than pastels. This means that if there is one area of the face-up that you do not approve of during the approval stage of your commission, the entire face-up may have to be taken off and a clean slate used to redo the face-up. This is because wiping only one area of the face-up clean after airbrushing leaves marks of demarcation which look terrible. Do also note that although it is not terribly fragile by any means, if treated roughly, the paint could chip or scratch off certain areas of the face, more likely on the lids. Again, this is not common (I’ve only seen it one time out of over a hundred dolls) but do take note that because layers of paint are being applied rather than layers of chalk it could possibly chip in the future. If this were to occur, a touch up can sometimes be done, however, more likely it would need to be cleaned off and re-done. depending on the circumstances this would be a cost decided upon at that time.